At French Creators, we encourage and support small and local shopping.

But you may wonder why is that important and who benefits from it.

EVERYBODY benefits from shopping local: you, the local businesses, and your community. But let’s see in detail how YOU, the customer, can have an impact and make a difference.

Here are 7 reasons to shop from local and small businesses.

1. Build Local Communities

When you shop at a local store, you help develop a sense of community

That’s a fact! You are much more likely to get to know a small business owner in your neighborhood than the CEO of a big retailer. 

Also, when you shop locally, the sales tax stays in your community. So, you are actually supporting local projects that benefit you daily.

someone handing a cloud filled with portraits of people
growing trees

2. Promote The Local Economy And Growth

Local and small businesses encourage employment and entrepreneurship. As a matter of fact, if a local business is successful, it will need more employees.

And guess what? The employees could be you or your sweet lady neighbor!

Just like that, if the business is successful, the owner may open a new one in the neighborhood! Lucky you!

He/She may also create other sales channels (a website for example). And he/she may improve specific services or products, locally developed.

2 men holding their drink fabrication
win win puzzle pieces

Everybody wins! 

And from one thing to another, all that will:

  • create local jobs
  • encourage other creators or artisans to take the plunge
  • dynamize the neighborhood economically and socially

3. Fill The World With Diverse Identities And Characters

Every local business has its own identity because each owner is an individual, who comes with her or his own background (religion, culture, education, experiences…). And their business, products, or services tend to reflect this background! 

cultural diversity
word culture

French Creators represents small businesses owned by French-speaking people. In other words, we bring French culture and savoir-faire (know-how) straight to the heart of the American world!

4. Product Diversity & Better Quality

Because the small business owner is passionate, he or she strives for high-quality products, and so for different reasons:

  • it builds trust with the customer
  • it fuels recommendations
  • it results in fewer customer complaints and returns
  • people care about aesthetic
  • it allows the business to grow
quality stamp
5 stars customer service

5. Better and More Personalized Customer Service

Let’s just say, customer service in small businesses is a personal experience. In fact, to stay competitive, they have to play the card of best quality of services: personable and trouble-free. The better the local business owner knows their customer, the better they can serve them.

Communication is the key to everyday life!

6- It’s Good for the Planet

Usually, the products do not come from the other side of the world: it is mainly manufactured locally – townwide, statewide, or nationwide. 

Isn’t that better, for our lovely Earth, to limit planes full of items we can find in our neighborhood, and made in higher quality?

When you buy from your local small store, you act for “Zero Waste”. 
globe hold by hands
smiley face on the ground and feet

7. It feels good!

Last but not least, it feels good to support and help neighbors and friends succeed! 

People love supporting people as we do here: support and empower our community of French-speaking creators.

Whether you shop at the boutique or online, it benefits you, the owner, all the people related to this business, and our dear planet!

Let’s get started !

At French Creators, we encourage and support small and local shopping.

But you may wonder why is that important and who benefits from it.

EVERYBODY benefits from shopping local: you, the local businesses, and your community. But let’s see in detail how YOU, the customer, can have an impact and make a difference.

Here are 7 reasons to shop from local and small businesses.

1. Build Local Communities

When you shop at a local store, you help develop a sense of community

That’s a fact! You are much more likely to get to know a small business owner in your neighborhood than the CEO of a big retailer. 

Also, when you shop locally, the sales tax stays in your community. So, you are actually supporting local projects that benefit you daily.

someone handing a cloud filled with portraits of people

2. Promote The Local Economy And Growth

Local and small businesses encourage employment and entrepreneurship. As a matter of fact, if a local business is successful, it will need more employees.

growing trees

And guess what? The employees could be you or your sweet lady neighbor!

Just like that, if the business is successful, the owner may open a new one in the neighborhood! Lucky you!

He/She may also create other sales channels (a website for example). And he/she may improve specific services or products, locally developed.

2 men holding their drink fabrication

Everybody wins! 

And from one thing to another, all that will:

  • create local jobs
  • encourage other creators or artisans to take the plunge
  • dynamize the neighborhood economically and socially
win win puzzle pieces

3. Fill The World With Diverse Identities And Characters

Every local business has its own identity because each owner is an individual, who comes with her or his own background (religion, culture, education, experiences…). And their business, products, or services tend to reflect this background! 

cultural diversity

French Creators represents small businesses owned by French-speaking people. In other words, we bring French culture and savoir-faire (know-how) straight to the heart of the American world!

word culture

4. Product Diversity & Better Quality

Because the small business owner is passionate, he or she strives for high-quality products, and so for different reasons:

  • it builds trust with the customer
  • it fuels recommendations
  • it results in fewer customer complaints and returns
  • people care about aesthetic
  • it allows the business to grow
quality stamp

5. Better and More Personalized Customer Service

Let’s just say, customer service in small businesses is a personal experience. In fact, to stay competitive, they have to play the card of best quality of services: personable and trouble-free. The better the local business owner knows their customer, the better they can serve them.

Communication is the key to everyday life!
5 stars customer service

6- It’s Good for the Planet

Usually, the products do not come from the other side of the world: it is mainly manufactured locally – townwide, statewide, or nationwide. 

Isn’t that better, for our lovely Earth, to limit planes full of items we can find in our neighborhood, and made in higher quality?

When you buy from your local small store, you act for “Zero Waste”. 
globe hold by hands

7. It feels good!

Last but not least, it feels good to support and help neighbors and friends succeed! 

People love supporting people as we do here: support and empower our community of French-speaking creators.

smiley face on the ground and feet

Whether you shop at the boutique or online, it benefits you, the owner, all the people related to this business, and our dear planet!

Let’s get started !